A Tradition of Stewardship

New England farmers and lumbermen have carefully put aside northern hardwood logs (oak, beech, maple, ash, etc.) intended for fireplace use for centuries. This wood was cut, split and stacked in a woodshed to protect it from the weather and elements to air dry for 12-18 months. Once dried, the wood was perfectly “seasoned” for burning in fireplaces, wood stoves, and home kitchen cooking stoves.

This method of “seasoning” wood is now accomplished by kiln drying.  Wood is cut, split, and placed in kilns where it is subjected to high-temperatures in high-air-velocity kilns until the moisture content is reduced to the values of true New England seasoned firewood. Kiln drying or “heat treating” method reduces drying time to days that naturally takes months to achieve. Ossipee Mountain Firewood™ remains in kilns until the moisture content reaches that of good seasoned firewood.  There is no difference in burning heat treated, kiln dried wood than this traditionally seasoned firewood.

Ossipee Mountain Firewood™ is produced from trees grown on our Certified Tree Farm in New Hampshire and logs purchased from other local tree farms and logging companies who carefully harvest trees to maintain healthy, high-quality forests. Regeneration after harvest is our highest priority. We accomplish this using harvest techniques that promote natural regeneration and planting when necessary. Our forest is managed for multiple resources of wildlife, water, recreation, and wood.

Responsible firewood company

Company History

Ossipee Mountain Land Company evolved out of land holdings purchased in 1978.  Our company has combined ownership and long-term management of 15,000 acres. This New Hampshire forestland has been managed to provide for future biodiversity in an ecologically, culturally, and financially responsible and sustainable manner.

After three decades in business, we employ 35 people, ship throughout the Northeast area and Mid-Atlantic states.

Packages Sold (and counting)
Retail Store Locations in the Northeast
Trusted by Campgrounds Throughout New England

Our Facility

The Firewood Poem

Beechwood fires are bright and clear
If the logs are kept a year.
Chestnut’s only good they say,
If for logs ’tis laid away.

Make a fire of Elder tree,
Death within your house will be.
But ash new or ash old,
Is fit for a queen with crown of gold

Birch and fir logs burn too fast,
Blaze bright and do not last.
It is by the Irish said,
Hawthorn bakes the sweetest bread.

Elm wood burns like churchyard mould,
E’en the very flames are cold.
But ash green or ash brown,
Is fit for a queen with golden crown

Poplar gives a bitter smoke,
Fills your eyes and makes you choke.
Apple wood will scent your room,
Pear wood smells like flowers in bloom.

Oaken logs, if dry and old,
Keep away the winter’s cold.
But ash wet or ash dry,
A king shall warm his slippers by.

-Lady Celia Congreve